/*! * knockout-daterangepicker * version: 0.1.0 * authors: Sensor Tower team * license: MIT * https://sensortower.github.io/daterangepicker */ (function() { var AllTimeDateRange, ArrayUtils, CalendarHeaderView, CalendarView, Config, CustomDateRange, DateRange, DateRangePickerView, MomentIterator, MomentUtil, Period, extend = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; }, hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty, bind = function(fn, me){ return function(){ return fn.apply(me, arguments); }; }; MomentUtil = (function() { function MomentUtil() {} MomentUtil.patchCurrentLocale = function(obj) { return moment.locale(moment.locale(), obj); }; MomentUtil.setFirstDayOfTheWeek = function(dow) { var offset; dow = (dow % 7 + 7) % 7; if (moment.localeData().firstDayOfWeek() !== dow) { offset = dow - moment.localeData().firstDayOfWeek(); return this.patchCurrentLocale({ week: { dow: dow, doy: moment.localeData().firstDayOfYear() } }); } }; MomentUtil.tz = function(input) { var args, timeZone; args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0, -1); timeZone = arguments[arguments.length - 1]; if (moment.tz) { return moment.tz.apply(null, args.concat([timeZone])); } else if (timeZone && timeZone.toLowerCase() === 'utc') { return moment.utc.apply(null, args); } else { return moment.apply(null, args); } }; return MomentUtil; })(); MomentIterator = (function() { MomentIterator.array = function(date, amount, period) { var i, iterator, j, ref, results; iterator = new this(date, period); results = []; for (i = j = 0, ref = amount - 1; 0 <= ref ? j <= ref : j >= ref; i = 0 <= ref ? ++j : --j) { results.push(iterator.next()); } return results; }; function MomentIterator(date, period) { this.date = date.clone(); this.period = period; } MomentIterator.prototype.next = function() { var nextDate; nextDate = this.date; this.date = nextDate.clone().add(1, this.period); return nextDate.clone(); }; return MomentIterator; })(); ArrayUtils = (function() { function ArrayUtils() {} ArrayUtils.rotateArray = function(array, offset) { offset = offset % array.length; return array.slice(offset).concat(array.slice(0, offset)); }; ArrayUtils.uniqArray = function(array) { var i, j, len, newArray; newArray = []; for (j = 0, len = array.length; j < len; j++) { i = array[j]; if (newArray.indexOf(i) === -1) { newArray.push(i); } } return newArray; }; return ArrayUtils; })(); $.fn.daterangepicker = function(options, callback) { if (options == null) { options = {}; } this.each(function() { var $element; $element = $(this); if (!$element.data('daterangepicker')) { options.anchorElement = $element; if (callback) { options.callback = callback; } options.callback = $.proxy(options.callback, this); return $element.data('daterangepicker', new DateRangePickerView(options)); } }); return this; }; ko.bindingHandlers.stopBinding = { init: function() { return { controlsDescendantBindings: true }; } }; ko.virtualElements.allowedBindings.stopBinding = true; ko.bindingHandlers.daterangepicker = (function() { return $.extend(this, { _optionsKey: 'daterangepickerOptions', _formatKey: 'daterangepickerFormat', init: function(element, valueAccessor, allBindings) { var observable, options; observable = valueAccessor(); options = ko.unwrap(allBindings.get(this._optionsKey)) || {}; return $(element).daterangepicker(options, function(startDate, endDate, period) { return observable([startDate, endDate]); }); }, update: function(element, valueAccessor, allBindings) { var $element, dateFormat, endDate, endDateText, ref, startDate, startDateText; $element = $(element); ref = valueAccessor()(), startDate = ref[0], endDate = ref[1]; dateFormat = ko.unwrap(allBindings.get(this._formatKey)) || 'MMM D, YYYY'; startDateText = moment(startDate).format(dateFormat); endDateText = moment(endDate).format(dateFormat); return ko.ignoreDependencies(function() { var text; if (!$element.data('daterangepicker').standalone()) { text = $element.data('daterangepicker').single() ? startDateText : startDateText + " – " + endDateText; $element.val(text).text(text); } $element.data('daterangepicker').startDate(startDate); return $element.data('daterangepicker').endDate(endDate); }); } }); })(); DateRange = (function() { function DateRange(title, startDate, endDate) { this.title = title; this.startDate = startDate; this.endDate = endDate; } return DateRange; })(); AllTimeDateRange = (function(superClass) { extend(AllTimeDateRange, superClass); function AllTimeDateRange() { return AllTimeDateRange.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } return AllTimeDateRange; })(DateRange); CustomDateRange = (function(superClass) { extend(CustomDateRange, superClass); function CustomDateRange() { return CustomDateRange.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } return CustomDateRange; })(DateRange); Period = (function() { function Period() {} Period.allPeriods = ['day', 'week', 'month', 'quarter', 'year']; Period.scale = function(period) { if (period === 'day' || period === 'week') { return 'month'; } else { return 'year'; } }; Period.showWeekDayNames = function(period) { if (period === 'day' || period === 'week') { return true; } else { return false; } }; Period.nextPageArguments = function(period) { var amount, scale; amount = period === 'year' ? 9 : 1; scale = this.scale(period); return [amount, scale]; }; Period.format = function(period) { switch (period) { case 'day': case 'week': return 'D'; case 'month': return 'MMM'; case 'quarter': return '\\QQ'; case 'year': return 'YYYY'; } }; Period.title = function(period) { switch (period) { case 'day': return 'Day'; case 'week': return 'Week'; case 'month': return 'Month'; case 'quarter': return 'Quarter'; case 'year': return 'Year'; } }; Period.dimentions = function(period) { switch (period) { case 'day': return [7, 6]; case 'week': return [1, 6]; case 'month': return [3, 4]; case 'quarter': return [2, 2]; case 'year': return [3, 3]; } }; Period.methods = ['scale', 'showWeekDayNames', 'nextPageArguments', 'format', 'title', 'dimentions']; Period.extendObservable = function(observable) { this.methods.forEach(function(method) { return observable[method] = function() { return Period[method](observable()); }; }); return observable; }; return Period; })(); Config = (function() { function Config(options) { if (options == null) { options = {}; } this.firstDayOfWeek = this._firstDayOfWeek(options.firstDayOfWeek); this.timeZone = this._timeZone(options.timeZone); this.periods = this._periods(options.periods); this.customPeriodRanges = this._customPeriodRanges(options.customPeriodRanges); this.period = this._period(options.period); this.single = this._single(options.single); this.opened = this._opened(options.opened); this.expanded = this._expanded(options.expanded); this.standalone = this._standalone(options.standalone); this.hideWeekdays = this._hideWeekdays(options.hideWeekdays); this.locale = this._locale(options.locale); this.orientation = this._orientation(options.orientation); this.forceUpdate = options.forceUpdate; this.minDate = this._minDate(options.minDate); this.maxDate = this._maxDate(options.maxDate); this.startDate = this._startDate(options.startDate); this.endDate = this._endDate(options.endDate); this.ranges = this._ranges(options.ranges); this.isCustomPeriodRangeActive = ko.observable(false); this.anchorElement = this._anchorElement(options.anchorElement); this.parentElement = this._parentElement(options.parentElement); this.callback = this._callback(options.callback); this.firstDayOfWeek.subscribe(function(newValue) { return MomentUtil.setFirstDayOfTheWeek(newValue); }); MomentUtil.setFirstDayOfTheWeek(this.firstDayOfWeek()); } Config.prototype.extend = function(obj) { var k, ref, results, v; ref = this; results = []; for (k in ref) { v = ref[k]; if (this.hasOwnProperty(k) && k[0] !== '_') { results.push(obj[k] = v); } } return results; }; Config.prototype._firstDayOfWeek = function(val) { return ko.observable(val ? val : 0); }; Config.prototype._timeZone = function(val) { return ko.observable(val || 'UTC'); }; Config.prototype._periods = function(val) { return ko.observableArray(val || Period.allPeriods); }; Config.prototype._customPeriodRanges = function(obj) { var results, title, value; obj || (obj = {}); results = []; for (title in obj) { value = obj[title]; results.push(this.parseRange(value, title)); } return results; }; Config.prototype._period = function(val) { val || (val = this.periods()[0]); if (val !== 'day' && val !== 'week' && val !== 'month' && val !== 'quarter' && val !== 'year') { throw new Error('Invalid period'); } return Period.extendObservable(ko.observable(val)); }; Config.prototype._single = function(val) { return ko.observable(val || false); }; Config.prototype._opened = function(val) { return ko.observable(val || false); }; Config.prototype._expanded = function(val) { return ko.observable(val || false); }; Config.prototype._standalone = function(val) { return ko.observable(val || false); }; Config.prototype._hideWeekdays = function(val) { return ko.observable(val || false); }; Config.prototype._minDate = function(val) { var mode, ref; if (val instanceof Array) { ref = val, val = ref[0], mode = ref[1]; } val || (val = moment().subtract(30, 'years')); return this._dateObservable(val, mode); }; Config.prototype._maxDate = function(val) { var mode, ref; if (val instanceof Array) { ref = val, val = ref[0], mode = ref[1]; } val || (val = moment()); return this._dateObservable(val, mode, this.minDate); }; Config.prototype._startDate = function(val) { val || (val = moment().subtract(29, 'days')); return this._dateObservable(val, null, this.minDate, this.maxDate); }; Config.prototype._endDate = function(val) { val || (val = moment()); return this._dateObservable(val, null, this.startDate, this.maxDate); }; Config.prototype._ranges = function(obj) { var results, title, value; obj || (obj = this._defaultRanges()); if (!$.isPlainObject(obj)) { throw new Error('Invalid ranges parameter (should be a plain object)'); } results = []; for (title in obj) { value = obj[title]; switch (value) { case 'all-time': results.push(new AllTimeDateRange(title, this.minDate().clone(), this.maxDate().clone())); break; case 'custom': results.push(new CustomDateRange(title)); break; default: results.push(this.parseRange(value, title)); } } return results; }; Config.prototype.parseRange = function(value, title) { var endDate, from, startDate, to; if (!$.isArray(value)) { throw new Error('Value should be an array'); } startDate = value[0], endDate = value[1]; if (!startDate) { throw new Error('Missing start date'); } if (!endDate) { throw new Error('Missing end date'); } from = MomentUtil.tz(startDate, this.timeZone()); to = MomentUtil.tz(endDate, this.timeZone()); if (!from.isValid()) { throw new Error('Invalid start date'); } if (!to.isValid()) { throw new Error('Invalid end date'); } return new DateRange(title, from, to); }; Config.prototype._locale = function(val) { return $.extend({ applyButtonTitle: 'Use', cancelButtonTitle: 'Cancel', inputFormat: 'L', startLabel: 'Start', endLabel: 'End' }, val || {}); }; Config.prototype._orientation = function(val) { val || (val = 'right'); if (val !== 'right' && val !== 'left') { throw new Error('Invalid orientation'); } return ko.observable(val); }; Config.prototype._dateObservable = function(val, mode, minBoundary, maxBoundary) { var computed, fitMax, fitMin, observable; observable = ko.observable(); computed = ko.computed({ read: function() { return observable(); }, write: (function(_this) { return function(newValue) { var oldValue; newValue = computed.fit(newValue); oldValue = observable(); if (!(oldValue && newValue.isSame(oldValue))) { return observable(newValue); } }; })(this) }); computed.mode = mode || 'inclusive'; fitMin = (function(_this) { return function(val) { var min; if (minBoundary) { min = minBoundary(); switch (minBoundary.mode) { case 'extended': min = min.clone().startOf(_this.period()); break; case 'exclusive': min = min.clone().endOf(_this.period()).add(1, 'millisecond'); } val = moment.max(min, val); } return val; }; })(this); fitMax = (function(_this) { return function(val) { var max; if (maxBoundary) { max = maxBoundary(); switch (maxBoundary.mode) { case 'extended': max = max.clone().endOf(_this.period()); break; case 'exclusive': max = max.clone().startOf(_this.period()).subtract(1, 'millisecond'); } val = moment.min(max, val); } return val; }; })(this); computed.fit = (function(_this) { return function(val) { val = MomentUtil.tz(val, _this.timeZone()); return fitMax(fitMin(val)); }; })(this); computed(val); computed.clone = (function(_this) { return function() { return _this._dateObservable(observable(), computed.mode, minBoundary, maxBoundary); }; })(this); computed.isWithinBoundaries = (function(_this) { return function(date) { var between, max, maxExclusive, min, minExclusive, sameMax, sameMin; date = MomentUtil.tz(date, _this.timeZone()); min = minBoundary(); max = maxBoundary(); between = date.isBetween(min, max, _this.period()); sameMin = date.isSame(min, _this.period()); sameMax = date.isSame(max, _this.period()); minExclusive = minBoundary.mode === 'exclusive'; maxExclusive = maxBoundary.mode === 'exclusive'; return between || (!minExclusive && sameMin && !(maxExclusive && sameMax)) || (!maxExclusive && sameMax && !(minExclusive && sameMin)); }; })(this); if (minBoundary) { computed.minBoundary = minBoundary; minBoundary.subscribe(function() { return computed(observable()); }); } if (maxBoundary) { computed.maxBoundary = maxBoundary; maxBoundary.subscribe(function() { return computed(observable()); }); } return computed; }; Config.prototype._defaultRanges = function() { return { 'Last 30 days': [moment().subtract(29, 'days'), moment()], 'Last 90 days': [moment().subtract(89, 'days'), moment()], 'Last Year': [moment().subtract(1, 'year').add(1, 'day'), moment()], 'All Time': 'all-time', 'Custom Range': 'custom' }; }; Config.prototype._anchorElement = function(val) { return $(val); }; Config.prototype._parentElement = function(val) { return $(val || (this.standalone() ? this.anchorElement : 'body')); }; Config.prototype._callback = function(val) { if (val && !$.isFunction(val)) { throw new Error('Invalid callback (not a function)'); } return val; }; return Config; })(); CalendarHeaderView = (function() { function CalendarHeaderView(calendarView) { this.clickNextButton = bind(this.clickNextButton, this); this.clickPrevButton = bind(this.clickPrevButton, this); this.currentDate = calendarView.currentDate; this.period = calendarView.period; this.timeZone = calendarView.timeZone; this.firstDate = calendarView.firstDate; this.firstYearOfDecade = calendarView.firstYearOfDecade; this.prevDate = ko.pureComputed((function(_this) { return function() { var amount, period, ref; ref = _this.period.nextPageArguments(), amount = ref[0], period = ref[1]; return _this.currentDate().clone().subtract(amount, period); }; })(this)); this.nextDate = ko.pureComputed((function(_this) { return function() { var amount, period, ref; ref = _this.period.nextPageArguments(), amount = ref[0], period = ref[1]; return _this.currentDate().clone().add(amount, period); }; })(this)); this.selectedMonth = ko.computed({ read: (function(_this) { return function() { return _this.currentDate().month(); }; })(this), write: (function(_this) { return function(newValue) { var newDate; newDate = _this.currentDate().clone().month(newValue); if (!newDate.isSame(_this.currentDate(), 'month')) { return _this.currentDate(newDate); } }; })(this), pure: true }); this.selectedYear = ko.computed({ read: (function(_this) { return function() { return _this.currentDate().year(); }; })(this), write: (function(_this) { return function(newValue) { var newDate; newDate = _this.currentDate().clone().year(newValue); if (!newDate.isSame(_this.currentDate(), 'year')) { return _this.currentDate(newDate); } }; })(this), pure: true }); this.selectedDecade = ko.computed({ read: (function(_this) { return function() { return _this.firstYearOfDecade(_this.currentDate()).year(); }; })(this), write: (function(_this) { return function(newValue) { var newDate, newYear, offset; offset = (_this.currentDate().year() - _this.selectedDecade()) % 9; newYear = newValue + offset; newDate = _this.currentDate().clone().year(newYear); if (!newDate.isSame(_this.currentDate(), 'year')) { return _this.currentDate(newDate); } }; })(this), pure: true }); } CalendarHeaderView.prototype.clickPrevButton = function() { return this.currentDate(this.prevDate()); }; CalendarHeaderView.prototype.clickNextButton = function() { return this.currentDate(this.nextDate()); }; CalendarHeaderView.prototype.prevArrowCss = function() { var date, ref; date = this.firstDate().clone().subtract(1, 'millisecond'); if ((ref = this.period()) === 'day' || ref === 'week') { date = date.endOf('month'); } return { 'arrow-hidden': !this.currentDate.isWithinBoundaries(date) }; }; CalendarHeaderView.prototype.nextArrowCss = function() { var cols, date, ref, ref1, rows; ref = this.period.dimentions(), cols = ref[0], rows = ref[1]; date = this.firstDate().clone().add(cols * rows, this.period()); if ((ref1 = this.period()) === 'day' || ref1 === 'week') { date = date.startOf('month'); } return { 'arrow-hidden': !this.currentDate.isWithinBoundaries(date) }; }; CalendarHeaderView.prototype.monthOptions = function() { var j, maxMonth, minMonth, results; minMonth = this.currentDate.minBoundary().isSame(this.currentDate(), 'year') ? this.currentDate.minBoundary().month() : 0; maxMonth = this.currentDate.maxBoundary().isSame(this.currentDate(), 'year') ? this.currentDate.maxBoundary().month() : 11; return (function() { results = []; for (var j = minMonth; minMonth <= maxMonth ? j <= maxMonth : j >= maxMonth; minMonth <= maxMonth ? j++ : j--){ results.push(j); } return results; }).apply(this); }; CalendarHeaderView.prototype.yearOptions = function() { var j, ref, ref1, results; return (function() { results = []; for (var j = ref = this.currentDate.minBoundary().year(), ref1 = this.currentDate.maxBoundary().year(); ref <= ref1 ? j <= ref1 : j >= ref1; ref <= ref1 ? j++ : j--){ results.push(j); } return results; }).apply(this); }; CalendarHeaderView.prototype.decadeOptions = function() { return ArrayUtils.uniqArray(this.yearOptions().map((function(_this) { return function(year) { var momentObj; momentObj = MomentUtil.tz([year], _this.timeZone()); return _this.firstYearOfDecade(momentObj).year(); }; })(this))); }; CalendarHeaderView.prototype.monthSelectorAvailable = function() { var ref; return (ref = this.period()) === 'day' || ref === 'week'; }; CalendarHeaderView.prototype.yearSelectorAvailable = function() { return this.period() !== 'year'; }; CalendarHeaderView.prototype.decadeSelectorAvailable = function() { return this.period() === 'year'; }; CalendarHeaderView.prototype.monthFormatter = function(x) { return moment.utc([2015, x]).format('MMM'); }; CalendarHeaderView.prototype.yearFormatter = function(x) { return moment.utc([x]).format('YYYY'); }; CalendarHeaderView.prototype.decadeFormatter = function(from) { var cols, ref, rows, to; ref = Period.dimentions('year'), cols = ref[0], rows = ref[1]; to = from + cols * rows - 1; return from + " – " + to; }; return CalendarHeaderView; })(); CalendarView = (function() { function CalendarView(mainView, dateSubscribable, type) { this.cssForDate = bind(this.cssForDate, this); this.eventsForDate = bind(this.eventsForDate, this); this.formatDateTemplate = bind(this.formatDateTemplate, this); this.tableValues = bind(this.tableValues, this); this.inRange = bind(this.inRange, this); this.period = mainView.period; this.single = mainView.single; this.timeZone = mainView.timeZone; this.locale = mainView.locale; this.startDate = mainView.startDate; this.endDate = mainView.endDate; this.isCustomPeriodRangeActive = mainView.isCustomPeriodRangeActive; this.type = type; this.label = mainView.locale[type + "Label"] || ''; this.hoverDate = ko.observable(null); this.activeDate = dateSubscribable; this.currentDate = dateSubscribable.clone(); this.inputDate = ko.computed({ read: (function(_this) { return function() { return (_this.hoverDate() || _this.activeDate()).format(_this.locale.inputFormat); }; })(this), write: (function(_this) { return function(newValue) { var newDate; newDate = MomentUtil.tz(newValue, _this.locale.inputFormat, _this.timeZone()); if (newDate.isValid()) { return _this.activeDate(newDate); } }; })(this), pure: true }); this.firstDate = ko.pureComputed((function(_this) { return function() { var date, firstDayOfMonth; date = _this.currentDate().clone().startOf(_this.period.scale()); switch (_this.period()) { case 'day': case 'week': firstDayOfMonth = date.clone(); date.weekday(0); if (date.isAfter(firstDayOfMonth) || date.isSame(firstDayOfMonth, 'day')) { date.subtract(1, 'week'); } break; case 'year': date = _this.firstYearOfDecade(date); } return date; }; })(this)); this.activeDate.subscribe((function(_this) { return function(newValue) { return _this.currentDate(newValue); }; })(this)); this.headerView = new CalendarHeaderView(this); } CalendarView.prototype.calendar = function() { var col, cols, date, iterator, j, ref, ref1, results, row, rows; ref = this.period.dimentions(), cols = ref[0], rows = ref[1]; iterator = new MomentIterator(this.firstDate(), this.period()); results = []; for (row = j = 1, ref1 = rows; 1 <= ref1 ? j <= ref1 : j >= ref1; row = 1 <= ref1 ? ++j : --j) { results.push((function() { var l, ref2, results1; results1 = []; for (col = l = 1, ref2 = cols; 1 <= ref2 ? l <= ref2 : l >= ref2; col = 1 <= ref2 ? ++l : --l) { date = iterator.next(); if (this.type === 'end') { results1.push(date.endOf(this.period())); } else { results1.push(date.startOf(this.period())); } } return results1; }).call(this)); } return results; }; CalendarView.prototype.weekDayNames = function() { return ArrayUtils.rotateArray(moment.weekdaysMin(), moment.localeData().firstDayOfWeek()); }; CalendarView.prototype.inRange = function(date) { return date.isAfter(this.startDate(), this.period()) && date.isBefore(this.endDate(), this.period()) || (date.isSame(this.startDate(), this.period()) || date.isSame(this.endDate(), this.period())); }; CalendarView.prototype.tableValues = function(date) { var format, months, quarter; format = this.period.format(); switch (this.period()) { case 'day': case 'month': case 'year': return [ { html: date.format(format) } ]; case 'week': date = date.clone().startOf(this.period()); return MomentIterator.array(date, 7, 'day').map((function(_this) { return function(date) { return { html: date.format(format), css: { 'week-day': true, unavailable: _this.cssForDate(date, true).unavailable } }; }; })(this)); case 'quarter': quarter = date.format(format); date = date.clone().startOf('quarter'); months = MomentIterator.array(date, 3, 'month').map(function(date) { return date.format('MMM'); }); return [ { html: quarter + "
" + (months.join(", ")) + "" } ]; } }; CalendarView.prototype.formatDateTemplate = function(date) { return { nodes: $("
" + (this.formatDate(date)) + "
").children() }; }; CalendarView.prototype.eventsForDate = function(date) { return { click: (function(_this) { return function() { if (_this.activeDate.isWithinBoundaries(date)) { return _this.activeDate(date); } }; })(this), mouseenter: (function(_this) { return function() { if (_this.activeDate.isWithinBoundaries(date)) { return _this.hoverDate(_this.activeDate.fit(date)); } }; })(this), mouseleave: (function(_this) { return function() { return _this.hoverDate(null); }; })(this) }; }; CalendarView.prototype.cssForDate = function(date, periodIsDay) { var differentMonth, inRange, obj1, onRangeEnd, withinBoundaries; onRangeEnd = date.isSame(this.activeDate(), this.period()); withinBoundaries = this.activeDate.isWithinBoundaries(date); periodIsDay || (periodIsDay = this.period() === 'day'); differentMonth = !date.isSame(this.currentDate(), 'month'); inRange = this.inRange(date); return ( obj1 = { "in-range": !this.single() && (inRange || onRangeEnd) }, obj1[this.type + "-date"] = onRangeEnd, obj1["clickable"] = withinBoundaries && !this.isCustomPeriodRangeActive(), obj1["out-of-boundaries"] = !withinBoundaries || this.isCustomPeriodRangeActive(), obj1["unavailable"] = periodIsDay && differentMonth, obj1 ); }; CalendarView.prototype.firstYearOfDecade = function(date) { var currentYear, firstYear, offset, year; currentYear = MomentUtil.tz(moment(), this.timeZone()).year(); firstYear = currentYear - 4; offset = Math.floor((date.year() - firstYear) / 9); year = firstYear + offset * 9; return MomentUtil.tz([year], this.timeZone()); }; return CalendarView; })(); DateRangePickerView = (function() { function DateRangePickerView(options) { var endDate, ref, startDate, wrapper; if (options == null) { options = {}; } this.outsideClick = bind(this.outsideClick, this); this.setCustomPeriodRange = bind(this.setCustomPeriodRange, this); this.setDateRange = bind(this.setDateRange, this); new Config(options).extend(this); this.startCalendar = new CalendarView(this, this.startDate, 'start'); this.endCalendar = new CalendarView(this, this.endDate, 'end'); this.startDateInput = this.startCalendar.inputDate; this.endDateInput = this.endCalendar.inputDate; this.dateRange = ko.observable([this.startDate(), this.endDate()]); this.startDate.subscribe((function(_this) { return function(newValue) { if (_this.single()) { _this.endDate(newValue.clone().endOf(_this.period())); _this.updateDateRange(); return _this.close(); } else { if (_this.endDate().isSame(newValue)) { _this.endDate(_this.endDate().clone().endOf(_this.period())); } if (_this.standalone()) { return _this.updateDateRange(); } } }; })(this)); this.style = ko.observable({}); if (this.callback) { this.dateRange.subscribe((function(_this) { return function(newValue) { var endDate, startDate; startDate = newValue[0], endDate = newValue[1]; return _this.callback(startDate.clone(), endDate.clone(), _this.period()); }; })(this)); if (this.forceUpdate) { ref = this.dateRange(), startDate = ref[0], endDate = ref[1]; this.callback(startDate.clone(), endDate.clone(), this.period()); } } if (this.anchorElement) { wrapper = $("
").appendTo(this.parentElement); this.containerElement = $(this.constructor.template).appendTo(wrapper); ko.applyBindings(this, this.containerElement.get(0)); this.anchorElement.click((function(_this) { return function() { _this.updatePosition(); return _this.toggle(); }; })(this)); if (!this.standalone()) { $(document).on('mousedown.daterangepicker', this.outsideClick).on('touchend.daterangepicker', this.outsideClick).on('click.daterangepicker', '[data-toggle=dropdown]', this.outsideClick).on('focusin.daterangepicker', this.outsideClick); } } if (this.opened()) { this.updatePosition(); } } DateRangePickerView.prototype.periodProxy = Period; DateRangePickerView.prototype.calendars = function() { if (this.single()) { return [this.startCalendar]; } else { return [this.startCalendar, this.endCalendar]; } }; DateRangePickerView.prototype.updateDateRange = function() { return this.dateRange([this.startDate(), this.endDate()]); }; DateRangePickerView.prototype.cssClasses = function() { var j, len, obj, period, ref; obj = { single: this.single(), opened: this.standalone() || this.opened(), expanded: this.standalone() || this.single() || this.expanded(), standalone: this.standalone(), 'hide-weekdays': this.hideWeekdays(), 'hide-periods': (this.periods().length + this.customPeriodRanges.length) === 1, 'orientation-left': this.orientation() === 'left', 'orientation-right': this.orientation() === 'right' }; ref = Period.allPeriods; for (j = 0, len = ref.length; j < len; j++) { period = ref[j]; obj[period + "-period"] = period === this.period(); } return obj; }; DateRangePickerView.prototype.isActivePeriod = function(period) { return this.period() === period; }; DateRangePickerView.prototype.isActiveDateRange = function(dateRange) { var dr, j, len, ref; if (dateRange.constructor === CustomDateRange) { ref = this.ranges; for (j = 0, len = ref.length; j < len; j++) { dr = ref[j]; if (dr.constructor !== CustomDateRange && this.isActiveDateRange(dr)) { return false; } } return true; } else { return this.startDate().isSame(dateRange.startDate, 'day') && this.endDate().isSame(dateRange.endDate, 'day'); } }; DateRangePickerView.prototype.isActiveCustomPeriodRange = function(customPeriodRange) { return this.isActiveDateRange(customPeriodRange) && this.isCustomPeriodRangeActive(); }; DateRangePickerView.prototype.inputFocus = function() { return this.expanded(true); }; DateRangePickerView.prototype.setPeriod = function(period) { this.isCustomPeriodRangeActive(false); this.period(period); return this.expanded(true); }; DateRangePickerView.prototype.setDateRange = function(dateRange) { if (dateRange.constructor === CustomDateRange) { return this.expanded(true); } else { this.expanded(false); this.close(); this.period('day'); this.startDate(dateRange.startDate); this.endDate(dateRange.endDate); return this.updateDateRange(); } }; DateRangePickerView.prototype.setCustomPeriodRange = function(customPeriodRange) { this.isCustomPeriodRangeActive(true); return this.setDateRange(customPeriodRange); }; DateRangePickerView.prototype.applyChanges = function() { this.close(); return this.updateDateRange(); }; DateRangePickerView.prototype.cancelChanges = function() { return this.close(); }; DateRangePickerView.prototype.open = function() { return this.opened(true); }; DateRangePickerView.prototype.close = function() { if (!this.standalone()) { return this.opened(false); } }; DateRangePickerView.prototype.toggle = function() { if (this.opened()) { return this.close(); } else { return this.open(); } }; DateRangePickerView.prototype.updatePosition = function() { var parentOffset, parentRightEdge, style; if (this.standalone()) { return; } parentOffset = { top: 0, left: 0 }; parentRightEdge = $(window).width(); if (!this.parentElement.is('body')) { parentOffset = { top: this.parentElement.offset().top - this.parentElement.scrollTop(), left: this.parentElement.offset().left - this.parentElement.scrollLeft() }; parentRightEdge = this.parentElement.get(0).clientWidth + this.parentElement.offset().left; } style = { top: (this.anchorElement.offset().top + this.anchorElement.outerHeight() - parentOffset.top) + 'px', left: 'auto', right: 'auto' }; switch (this.orientation()) { case 'left': if (this.containerElement.offset().left < 0) { style.left = '9px'; } else { style.right = (parentRightEdge - (this.anchorElement.offset().left) - this.anchorElement.outerWidth()) + 'px'; } break; default: if (this.containerElement.offset().left + this.containerElement.outerWidth() > $(window).width()) { style.right = '0'; } else { style.left = (this.anchorElement.offset().left - parentOffset.left) + 'px'; } } return this.style(style); }; DateRangePickerView.prototype.outsideClick = function(event) { var target; target = $(event.target); if (!(event.type === 'focusin' || target.closest(this.anchorElement).length || target.closest(this.containerElement).length || target.closest('.calendar').length)) { return this.close(); } }; return DateRangePickerView; })(); DateRangePickerView.template = '
'; $.extend($.fn.daterangepicker, { ArrayUtils: ArrayUtils, MomentIterator: MomentIterator, MomentUtil: MomentUtil, Period: Period, Config: Config, DateRange: DateRange, AllTimeDateRange: AllTimeDateRange, CustomDateRange: CustomDateRange, DateRangePickerView: DateRangePickerView, CalendarView: CalendarView, CalendarHeaderView: CalendarHeaderView }); }).call(this);/*! * knockout-daterangepicker * version: 0.1.0 * authors: Sensor Tower team * license: MIT * https://sensortower.github.io/daterangepicker */ (function() { var AllTimeDateRange, ArrayUtils, CalendarHeaderView, CalendarView, Config, CustomDateRange, DateRange, DateRangePickerView, MomentIterator, MomentUtil, Period, extend = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; }, hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty, bind = function(fn, me){ return function(){ return fn.apply(me, arguments); }; }; MomentUtil = (function() { function MomentUtil() {} MomentUtil.patchCurrentLocale = function(obj) { return moment.locale(moment.locale(), obj); }; MomentUtil.setFirstDayOfTheWeek = function(dow) { var offset; dow = (dow % 7 + 7) % 7; if (moment.localeData().firstDayOfWeek() !== dow) { offset = dow - moment.localeData().firstDayOfWeek(); return this.patchCurrentLocale({ week: { dow: dow, doy: moment.localeData().firstDayOfYear() } }); } }; MomentUtil.tz = function(input) { var args, timeZone; args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0, -1); timeZone = arguments[arguments.length - 1]; if (moment.tz) { return moment.tz.apply(null, args.concat([timeZone])); } else if (timeZone && timeZone.toLowerCase() === 'utc') { return moment.utc.apply(null, args); } else { return moment.apply(null, args); } }; return MomentUtil; })(); MomentIterator = (function() { MomentIterator.array = function(date, amount, period) { var i, iterator, j, ref, results; iterator = new this(date, period); results = []; for (i = j = 0, ref = amount - 1; 0 <= ref ? j <= ref : j >= ref; i = 0 <= ref ? ++j : --j) { results.push(iterator.next()); } return results; }; function MomentIterator(date, period) { this.date = date.clone(); this.period = period; } MomentIterator.prototype.next = function() { var nextDate; nextDate = this.date; this.date = nextDate.clone().add(1, this.period); return nextDate.clone(); }; return MomentIterator; })(); ArrayUtils = (function() { function ArrayUtils() {} ArrayUtils.rotateArray = function(array, offset) { offset = offset % array.length; return array.slice(offset).concat(array.slice(0, offset)); }; ArrayUtils.uniqArray = function(array) { var i, j, len, newArray; newArray = []; for (j = 0, len = array.length; j < len; j++) { i = array[j]; if (newArray.indexOf(i) === -1) { newArray.push(i); } } return newArray; }; return ArrayUtils; })(); $.fn.daterangepicker = function(options, callback) { if (options == null) { options = {}; } this.each(function() { var $element; $element = $(this); if (!$element.data('daterangepicker')) { options.anchorElement = $element; if (callback) { options.callback = callback; } options.callback = $.proxy(options.callback, this); return $element.data('daterangepicker', new DateRangePickerView(options)); } }); return this; }; ko.bindingHandlers.stopBinding = { init: function() { return { controlsDescendantBindings: true }; } }; ko.virtualElements.allowedBindings.stopBinding = true; ko.bindingHandlers.daterangepicker = (function() { return $.extend(this, { _optionsKey: 'daterangepickerOptions', _formatKey: 'daterangepickerFormat', init: function(element, valueAccessor, allBindings) { var observable, options; observable = valueAccessor(); options = ko.unwrap(allBindings.get(this._optionsKey)) || {}; return $(element).daterangepicker(options, function(startDate, endDate, period) { return observable([startDate, endDate]); }); }, update: function(element, valueAccessor, allBindings) { var $element, dateFormat, endDate, endDateText, ref, startDate, startDateText; $element = $(element); ref = valueAccessor()(), startDate = ref[0], endDate = ref[1]; dateFormat = ko.unwrap(allBindings.get(this._formatKey)) || 'MMM D, YYYY'; startDateText = moment(startDate).format(dateFormat); endDateText = moment(endDate).format(dateFormat); return ko.ignoreDependencies(function() { var text; if (!$element.data('daterangepicker').standalone()) { text = $element.data('daterangepicker').single() ? startDateText : startDateText + " – " + endDateText; $element.val(text).text(text); } $element.data('daterangepicker').startDate(startDate); return $element.data('daterangepicker').endDate(endDate); }); } }); })(); DateRange = (function() { function DateRange(title, startDate, endDate) { this.title = title; this.startDate = startDate; this.endDate = endDate; } return DateRange; })(); AllTimeDateRange = (function(superClass) { extend(AllTimeDateRange, superClass); function AllTimeDateRange() { return AllTimeDateRange.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } return AllTimeDateRange; })(DateRange); CustomDateRange = (function(superClass) { extend(CustomDateRange, superClass); function CustomDateRange() { return CustomDateRange.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } return CustomDateRange; })(DateRange); Period = (function() { function Period() {} Period.allPeriods = ['day', 'week', 'month', 'quarter', 'year']; Period.scale = function(period) { if (period === 'day' || period === 'week') { return 'month'; } else { return 'year'; } }; Period.showWeekDayNames = function(period) { if (period === 'day' || period === 'week') { return true; } else { return false; } }; Period.nextPageArguments = function(period) { var amount, scale; amount = period === 'year' ? 9 : 1; scale = this.scale(period); return [amount, scale]; }; Period.format = function(period) { switch (period) { case 'day': case 'week': return 'D'; case 'month': return 'MMM'; case 'quarter': return '\\QQ'; case 'year': return 'YYYY'; } }; Period.title = function(period) { switch (period) { case 'day': return 'Day'; case 'week': return 'Week'; case 'month': return 'Month'; case 'quarter': return 'Quarter'; case 'year': return 'Year'; } }; Period.dimentions = function(period) { switch (period) { case 'day': return [7, 6]; case 'week': return [1, 6]; case 'month': return [3, 4]; case 'quarter': return [2, 2]; case 'year': return [3, 3]; } }; Period.methods = ['scale', 'showWeekDayNames', 'nextPageArguments', 'format', 'title', 'dimentions']; Period.extendObservable = function(observable) { this.methods.forEach(function(method) { return observable[method] = function() { return Period[method](observable()); }; }); return observable; }; return Period; })(); Config = (function() { function Config(options) { if (options == null) { options = {}; } this.firstDayOfWeek = this._firstDayOfWeek(options.firstDayOfWeek); this.timeZone = this._timeZone(options.timeZone); this.periods = this._periods(options.periods); this.customPeriodRanges = this._customPeriodRanges(options.customPeriodRanges); this.period = this._period(options.period); this.single = this._single(options.single); this.opened = this._opened(options.opened); this.expanded = this._expanded(options.expanded); this.standalone = this._standalone(options.standalone); this.hideWeekdays = this._hideWeekdays(options.hideWeekdays); this.locale = this._locale(options.locale); this.orientation = this._orientation(options.orientation); this.forceUpdate = options.forceUpdate; this.minDate = this._minDate(options.minDate); this.maxDate = this._maxDate(options.maxDate); this.startDate = this._startDate(options.startDate); this.endDate = this._endDate(options.endDate); this.ranges = this._ranges(options.ranges); this.isCustomPeriodRangeActive = ko.observable(false); this.anchorElement = this._anchorElement(options.anchorElement); this.parentElement = this._parentElement(options.parentElement); this.callback = this._callback(options.callback); this.firstDayOfWeek.subscribe(function(newValue) { return MomentUtil.setFirstDayOfTheWeek(newValue); }); MomentUtil.setFirstDayOfTheWeek(this.firstDayOfWeek()); } Config.prototype.extend = function(obj) { var k, ref, results, v; ref = this; results = []; for (k in ref) { v = ref[k]; if (this.hasOwnProperty(k) && k[0] !== '_') { results.push(obj[k] = v); } } return results; }; Config.prototype._firstDayOfWeek = function(val) { return ko.observable(val ? val : 0); }; Config.prototype._timeZone = function(val) { return ko.observable(val || 'UTC'); }; Config.prototype._periods = function(val) { return ko.observableArray(val || Period.allPeriods); }; Config.prototype._customPeriodRanges = function(obj) { var results, title, value; obj || (obj = {}); results = []; for (title in obj) { value = obj[title]; results.push(this.parseRange(value, title)); } return results; }; Config.prototype._period = function(val) { val || (val = this.periods()[0]); if (val !== 'day' && val !== 'week' && val !== 'month' && val !== 'quarter' && val !== 'year') { throw new Error('Invalid period'); } return Period.extendObservable(ko.observable(val)); }; Config.prototype._single = function(val) { return ko.observable(val || false); }; Config.prototype._opened = function(val) { return ko.observable(val || false); }; Config.prototype._expanded = function(val) { return ko.observable(val || false); }; Config.prototype._standalone = function(val) { return ko.observable(val || false); }; Config.prototype._hideWeekdays = function(val) { return ko.observable(val || false); }; Config.prototype._minDate = function(val) { var mode, ref; if (val instanceof Array) { ref = val, val = ref[0], mode = ref[1]; } val || (val = moment().subtract(30, 'years')); return this._dateObservable(val, mode); }; Config.prototype._maxDate = function(val) { var mode, ref; if (val instanceof Array) { ref = val, val = ref[0], mode = ref[1]; } val || (val = moment()); return this._dateObservable(val, mode, this.minDate); }; Config.prototype._startDate = function(val) { val || (val = moment().subtract(29, 'days')); return this._dateObservable(val, null, this.minDate, this.maxDate); }; Config.prototype._endDate = function(val) { val || (val = moment()); return this._dateObservable(val, null, this.startDate, this.maxDate); }; Config.prototype._ranges = function(obj) { var results, title, value; obj || (obj = this._defaultRanges()); if (!$.isPlainObject(obj)) { throw new Error('Invalid ranges parameter (should be a plain object)'); } results = []; for (title in obj) { value = obj[title]; switch (value) { case 'all-time': results.push(new AllTimeDateRange(title, this.minDate().clone(), this.maxDate().clone())); break; case 'custom': results.push(new CustomDateRange(title)); break; default: results.push(this.parseRange(value, title)); } } return results; }; Config.prototype.parseRange = function(value, title) { var endDate, from, startDate, to; if (!$.isArray(value)) { throw new Error('Value should be an array'); } startDate = value[0], endDate = value[1]; if (!startDate) { throw new Error('Missing start date'); } if (!endDate) { throw new Error('Missing end date'); } from = MomentUtil.tz(startDate, this.timeZone()); to = MomentUtil.tz(endDate, this.timeZone()); if (!from.isValid()) { throw new Error('Invalid start date'); } if (!to.isValid()) { throw new Error('Invalid end date'); } return new DateRange(title, from, to); }; Config.prototype._locale = function(val) { return $.extend({ applyButtonTitle: 'Use', cancelButtonTitle: 'Cancel', inputFormat: 'L', startLabel: 'From', endLabel: 'To' }, val || {}); }; Config.prototype._orientation = function(val) { val || (val = 'right'); if (val !== 'right' && val !== 'left') { throw new Error('Invalid orientation'); } return ko.observable(val); }; Config.prototype._dateObservable = function(val, mode, minBoundary, maxBoundary) { var computed, fitMax, fitMin, observable; observable = ko.observable(); computed = ko.computed({ read: function() { return observable(); }, write: (function(_this) { return function(newValue) { var oldValue; newValue = computed.fit(newValue); oldValue = observable(); if (!(oldValue && newValue.isSame(oldValue))) { return observable(newValue); } }; })(this) }); computed.mode = mode || 'inclusive'; fitMin = (function(_this) { return function(val) { var min; if (minBoundary) { min = minBoundary(); switch (minBoundary.mode) { case 'extended': min = min.clone().startOf(_this.period()); break; case 'exclusive': min = min.clone().endOf(_this.period()).add(1, 'millisecond'); } val = moment.max(min, val); } return val; }; })(this); fitMax = (function(_this) { return function(val) { var max; if (maxBoundary) { max = maxBoundary(); switch (maxBoundary.mode) { case 'extended': max = max.clone().endOf(_this.period()); break; case 'exclusive': max = max.clone().startOf(_this.period()).subtract(1, 'millisecond'); } val = moment.min(max, val); } return val; }; })(this); computed.fit = (function(_this) { return function(val) { val = MomentUtil.tz(val, _this.timeZone()); return fitMax(fitMin(val)); }; })(this); computed(val); computed.clone = (function(_this) { return function() { return _this._dateObservable(observable(), computed.mode, minBoundary, maxBoundary); }; })(this); computed.isWithinBoundaries = (function(_this) { return function(date) { var between, max, maxExclusive, min, minExclusive, sameMax, sameMin; date = MomentUtil.tz(date, _this.timeZone()); min = minBoundary(); max = maxBoundary(); between = date.isBetween(min, max, _this.period()); sameMin = date.isSame(min, _this.period()); sameMax = date.isSame(max, _this.period()); minExclusive = minBoundary.mode === 'exclusive'; maxExclusive = maxBoundary.mode === 'exclusive'; return between || (!minExclusive && sameMin && !(maxExclusive && sameMax)) || (!maxExclusive && sameMax && !(minExclusive && sameMin)); }; })(this); if (minBoundary) { computed.minBoundary = minBoundary; minBoundary.subscribe(function() { return computed(observable()); }); } if (maxBoundary) { computed.maxBoundary = maxBoundary; maxBoundary.subscribe(function() { return computed(observable()); }); } return computed; }; Config.prototype._defaultRanges = function() { return { 'Last 30 days': [moment().subtract(29, 'days'), moment()], 'Last 90 days': [moment().subtract(89, 'days'), moment()], 'Last Year': [moment().subtract(1, 'year').add(1, 'day'), moment()], 'All': 'all-time', 'Custom': 'custom' }; }; Config.prototype._anchorElement = function(val) { return $(val); }; Config.prototype._parentElement = function(val) { return $(val || (this.standalone() ? this.anchorElement : 'body')); }; Config.prototype._callback = function(val) { if (val && !$.isFunction(val)) { throw new Error('Invalid callback (not a function)'); } return val; }; return Config; })(); CalendarHeaderView = (function() { function CalendarHeaderView(calendarView) { this.clickNextButton = bind(this.clickNextButton, this); this.clickPrevButton = bind(this.clickPrevButton, this); this.currentDate = calendarView.currentDate; this.period = calendarView.period; this.timeZone = calendarView.timeZone; this.firstDate = calendarView.firstDate; this.firstYearOfDecade = calendarView.firstYearOfDecade; this.prevDate = ko.pureComputed((function(_this) { return function() { var amount, period, ref; ref = _this.period.nextPageArguments(), amount = ref[0], period = ref[1]; return _this.currentDate().clone().subtract(amount, period); }; })(this)); this.nextDate = ko.pureComputed((function(_this) { return function() { var amount, period, ref; ref = _this.period.nextPageArguments(), amount = ref[0], period = ref[1]; return _this.currentDate().clone().add(amount, period); }; })(this)); this.selectedMonth = ko.computed({ read: (function(_this) { return function() { return _this.currentDate().month(); }; })(this), write: (function(_this) { return function(newValue) { var newDate; newDate = _this.currentDate().clone().month(newValue); if (!newDate.isSame(_this.currentDate(), 'month')) { return _this.currentDate(newDate); } }; })(this), pure: true }); this.selectedYear = ko.computed({ read: (function(_this) { return function() { return _this.currentDate().year(); }; })(this), write: (function(_this) { return function(newValue) { var newDate; newDate = _this.currentDate().clone().year(newValue); if (!newDate.isSame(_this.currentDate(), 'year')) { return _this.currentDate(newDate); } }; })(this), pure: true }); this.selectedDecade = ko.computed({ read: (function(_this) { return function() { return _this.firstYearOfDecade(_this.currentDate()).year(); }; })(this), write: (function(_this) { return function(newValue) { var newDate, newYear, offset; offset = (_this.currentDate().year() - _this.selectedDecade()) % 9; newYear = newValue + offset; newDate = _this.currentDate().clone().year(newYear); if (!newDate.isSame(_this.currentDate(), 'year')) { return _this.currentDate(newDate); } }; })(this), pure: true }); } CalendarHeaderView.prototype.clickPrevButton = function() { return this.currentDate(this.prevDate()); }; CalendarHeaderView.prototype.clickNextButton = function() { return this.currentDate(this.nextDate()); }; CalendarHeaderView.prototype.prevArrowCss = function() { var date, ref; date = this.firstDate().clone().subtract(1, 'millisecond'); if ((ref = this.period()) === 'day' || ref === 'week') { date = date.endOf('month'); } return { 'arrow-hidden': !this.currentDate.isWithinBoundaries(date) }; }; CalendarHeaderView.prototype.nextArrowCss = function() { var cols, date, ref, ref1, rows; ref = this.period.dimentions(), cols = ref[0], rows = ref[1]; date = this.firstDate().clone().add(cols * rows, this.period()); if ((ref1 = this.period()) === 'day' || ref1 === 'week') { date = date.startOf('month'); } return { 'arrow-hidden': !this.currentDate.isWithinBoundaries(date) }; }; CalendarHeaderView.prototype.monthOptions = function() { var j, maxMonth, minMonth, results; minMonth = this.currentDate.minBoundary().isSame(this.currentDate(), 'year') ? this.currentDate.minBoundary().month() : 0; maxMonth = this.currentDate.maxBoundary().isSame(this.currentDate(), 'year') ? this.currentDate.maxBoundary().month() : 11; return (function() { results = []; for (var j = minMonth; minMonth <= maxMonth ? j <= maxMonth : j >= maxMonth; minMonth <= maxMonth ? j++ : j--){ results.push(j); } return results; }).apply(this); }; CalendarHeaderView.prototype.yearOptions = function() { var j, ref, ref1, results; return (function() { results = []; for (var j = ref = this.currentDate.minBoundary().year(), ref1 = this.currentDate.maxBoundary().year(); ref <= ref1 ? j <= ref1 : j >= ref1; ref <= ref1 ? j++ : j--){ results.push(j); } return results; }).apply(this); }; CalendarHeaderView.prototype.decadeOptions = function() { return ArrayUtils.uniqArray(this.yearOptions().map((function(_this) { return function(year) { var momentObj; momentObj = MomentUtil.tz([year], _this.timeZone()); return _this.firstYearOfDecade(momentObj).year(); }; })(this))); }; CalendarHeaderView.prototype.monthSelectorAvailable = function() { var ref; return (ref = this.period()) === 'day' || ref === 'week'; }; CalendarHeaderView.prototype.yearSelectorAvailable = function() { return this.period() !== 'year'; }; CalendarHeaderView.prototype.decadeSelectorAvailable = function() { return this.period() === 'year'; }; CalendarHeaderView.prototype.monthFormatter = function(x) { return moment.utc([2015, x]).format('MMM'); }; CalendarHeaderView.prototype.yearFormatter = function(x) { return moment.utc([x]).format('YYYY'); }; CalendarHeaderView.prototype.decadeFormatter = function(from) { var cols, ref, rows, to; ref = Period.dimentions('year'), cols = ref[0], rows = ref[1]; to = from + cols * rows - 1; return from + " – " + to; }; return CalendarHeaderView; })(); CalendarView = (function() { function CalendarView(mainView, dateSubscribable, type) { this.cssForDate = bind(this.cssForDate, this); this.eventsForDate = bind(this.eventsForDate, this); this.formatDateTemplate = bind(this.formatDateTemplate, this); this.tableValues = bind(this.tableValues, this); this.inRange = bind(this.inRange, this); this.period = mainView.period; this.single = mainView.single; this.timeZone = mainView.timeZone; this.locale = mainView.locale; this.startDate = mainView.startDate; this.endDate = mainView.endDate; this.isCustomPeriodRangeActive = mainView.isCustomPeriodRangeActive; this.type = type; this.label = mainView.locale[type + "Label"] || ''; this.hoverDate = ko.observable(null); this.activeDate = dateSubscribable; this.currentDate = dateSubscribable.clone(); this.inputDate = ko.computed({ read: (function(_this) { return function() { return (_this.hoverDate() || _this.activeDate()).format(_this.locale.inputFormat); }; })(this), write: (function(_this) { return function(newValue) { var newDate; newDate = MomentUtil.tz(newValue, _this.locale.inputFormat, _this.timeZone()); if (newDate.isValid()) { return _this.activeDate(newDate); } }; })(this), pure: true }); this.firstDate = ko.pureComputed((function(_this) { return function() { var date, firstDayOfMonth; date = _this.currentDate().clone().startOf(_this.period.scale()); switch (_this.period()) { case 'day': case 'week': firstDayOfMonth = date.clone(); date.weekday(0); if (date.isAfter(firstDayOfMonth) || date.isSame(firstDayOfMonth, 'day')) { date.subtract(1, 'week'); } break; case 'year': date = _this.firstYearOfDecade(date); } return date; }; })(this)); this.activeDate.subscribe((function(_this) { return function(newValue) { return _this.currentDate(newValue); }; })(this)); this.headerView = new CalendarHeaderView(this); } CalendarView.prototype.calendar = function() { var col, cols, date, iterator, j, ref, ref1, results, row, rows; ref = this.period.dimentions(), cols = ref[0], rows = ref[1]; iterator = new MomentIterator(this.firstDate(), this.period()); results = []; for (row = j = 1, ref1 = rows; 1 <= ref1 ? j <= ref1 : j >= ref1; row = 1 <= ref1 ? ++j : --j) { results.push((function() { var l, ref2, results1; results1 = []; for (col = l = 1, ref2 = cols; 1 <= ref2 ? l <= ref2 : l >= ref2; col = 1 <= ref2 ? ++l : --l) { date = iterator.next(); if (this.type === 'end') { results1.push(date.endOf(this.period())); } else { results1.push(date.startOf(this.period())); } } return results1; }).call(this)); } return results; }; CalendarView.prototype.weekDayNames = function() { return ArrayUtils.rotateArray(moment.weekdaysMin(), moment.localeData().firstDayOfWeek()); }; CalendarView.prototype.inRange = function(date) { return date.isAfter(this.startDate(), this.period()) && date.isBefore(this.endDate(), this.period()) || (date.isSame(this.startDate(), this.period()) || date.isSame(this.endDate(), this.period())); }; CalendarView.prototype.tableValues = function(date) { var format, months, quarter; format = this.period.format(); switch (this.period()) { case 'day': case 'month': case 'year': return [ { html: date.format(format) } ]; case 'week': date = date.clone().startOf(this.period()); return MomentIterator.array(date, 7, 'day').map((function(_this) { return function(date) { return { html: date.format(format), css: { 'week-day': true, unavailable: _this.cssForDate(date, true).unavailable } }; }; })(this)); case 'quarter': quarter = date.format(format); date = date.clone().startOf('quarter'); months = MomentIterator.array(date, 3, 'month').map(function(date) { return date.format('MMM'); }); return [ { html: quarter + "
" + (months.join(", ")) + "" } ]; } }; CalendarView.prototype.formatDateTemplate = function(date) { return { nodes: $("
" + (this.formatDate(date)) + "
").children() }; }; CalendarView.prototype.eventsForDate = function(date) { return { click: (function(_this) { return function() { if (_this.activeDate.isWithinBoundaries(date)) { return _this.activeDate(date); } }; })(this), mouseenter: (function(_this) { return function() { if (_this.activeDate.isWithinBoundaries(date)) { return _this.hoverDate(_this.activeDate.fit(date)); } }; })(this), mouseleave: (function(_this) { return function() { return _this.hoverDate(null); }; })(this) }; }; CalendarView.prototype.cssForDate = function(date, periodIsDay) { var differentMonth, inRange, obj1, onRangeEnd, withinBoundaries; onRangeEnd = date.isSame(this.activeDate(), this.period()); withinBoundaries = this.activeDate.isWithinBoundaries(date); periodIsDay || (periodIsDay = this.period() === 'day'); differentMonth = !date.isSame(this.currentDate(), 'month'); inRange = this.inRange(date); return ( obj1 = { "in-range": !this.single() && (inRange || onRangeEnd) }, obj1[this.type + "-date"] = onRangeEnd, obj1["clickable"] = withinBoundaries && !this.isCustomPeriodRangeActive(), obj1["out-of-boundaries"] = !withinBoundaries || this.isCustomPeriodRangeActive(), obj1["unavailable"] = periodIsDay && differentMonth, obj1 ); }; CalendarView.prototype.firstYearOfDecade = function(date) { var currentYear, firstYear, offset, year; currentYear = MomentUtil.tz(moment(), this.timeZone()).year(); firstYear = currentYear - 4; offset = Math.floor((date.year() - firstYear) / 9); year = firstYear + offset * 9; return MomentUtil.tz([year], this.timeZone()); }; return CalendarView; })(); DateRangePickerView = (function() { function DateRangePickerView(options) { var endDate, ref, startDate, wrapper; if (options == null) { options = {}; } this.outsideClick = bind(this.outsideClick, this); this.setCustomPeriodRange = bind(this.setCustomPeriodRange, this); this.setDateRange = bind(this.setDateRange, this); new Config(options).extend(this); this.startCalendar = new CalendarView(this, this.startDate, 'start'); this.endCalendar = new CalendarView(this, this.endDate, 'end'); this.startDateInput = this.startCalendar.inputDate; this.endDateInput = this.endCalendar.inputDate; this.dateRange = ko.observable([this.startDate(), this.endDate()]); this.startDate.subscribe((function(_this) { return function(newValue) { if (_this.single()) { _this.endDate(newValue.clone().endOf(_this.period())); _this.updateDateRange(); return _this.close(); } else { if (_this.endDate().isSame(newValue)) { _this.endDate(_this.endDate().clone().endOf(_this.period())); } if (_this.standalone()) { return _this.updateDateRange(); } } }; })(this)); this.style = ko.observable({}); if (this.callback) { this.dateRange.subscribe((function(_this) { return function(newValue) { var endDate, startDate; startDate = newValue[0], endDate = newValue[1]; return _this.callback(startDate.clone(), endDate.clone(), _this.period()); }; })(this)); if (this.forceUpdate) { ref = this.dateRange(), startDate = ref[0], endDate = ref[1]; this.callback(startDate.clone(), endDate.clone(), this.period()); } } if (this.anchorElement) { wrapper = $("
").appendTo(this.parentElement); this.containerElement = $(this.constructor.template).appendTo(wrapper); ko.applyBindings(this, this.containerElement.get(0)); this.anchorElement.click((function(_this) { return function() { _this.updatePosition(); return _this.toggle(); }; })(this)); if (!this.standalone()) { $(document).on('mousedown.daterangepicker', this.outsideClick).on('touchend.daterangepicker', this.outsideClick).on('click.daterangepicker', '[data-toggle=dropdown]', this.outsideClick).on('focusin.daterangepicker', this.outsideClick); } } if (this.opened()) { this.updatePosition(); } } DateRangePickerView.prototype.periodProxy = Period; DateRangePickerView.prototype.calendars = function() { if (this.single()) { return [this.startCalendar]; } else { return [this.startCalendar, this.endCalendar]; } }; DateRangePickerView.prototype.updateDateRange = function() { return this.dateRange([this.startDate(), this.endDate()]); }; DateRangePickerView.prototype.cssClasses = function() { var j, len, obj, period, ref; obj = { single: this.single(), opened: this.standalone() || this.opened(), expanded: this.standalone() || this.single() || this.expanded(), standalone: this.standalone(), 'hide-weekdays': this.hideWeekdays(), 'hide-periods': (this.periods().length + this.customPeriodRanges.length) === 1, 'orientation-left': this.orientation() === 'left', 'orientation-right': this.orientation() === 'right' }; ref = Period.allPeriods; for (j = 0, len = ref.length; j < len; j++) { period = ref[j]; obj[period + "-period"] = period === this.period(); } return obj; }; DateRangePickerView.prototype.isActivePeriod = function(period) { return this.period() === period; }; DateRangePickerView.prototype.isActiveDateRange = function(dateRange) { var dr, j, len, ref; if (dateRange.constructor === CustomDateRange) { ref = this.ranges; for (j = 0, len = ref.length; j < len; j++) { dr = ref[j]; if (dr.constructor !== CustomDateRange && this.isActiveDateRange(dr)) { return false; } } return true; } else { return this.startDate().isSame(dateRange.startDate, 'day') && this.endDate().isSame(dateRange.endDate, 'day'); } }; DateRangePickerView.prototype.isActiveCustomPeriodRange = function(customPeriodRange) { return this.isActiveDateRange(customPeriodRange) && this.isCustomPeriodRangeActive(); }; DateRangePickerView.prototype.inputFocus = function() { return this.expanded(true); }; DateRangePickerView.prototype.setPeriod = function(period) { this.isCustomPeriodRangeActive(false); this.period(period); return this.expanded(true); }; DateRangePickerView.prototype.setDateRange = function(dateRange) { if (dateRange.constructor === CustomDateRange) { return this.expanded(true); } else { this.expanded(false); this.close(); this.period('day'); this.startDate(dateRange.startDate); this.endDate(dateRange.endDate); return this.updateDateRange(); } }; DateRangePickerView.prototype.setCustomPeriodRange = function(customPeriodRange) { this.isCustomPeriodRangeActive(true); return this.setDateRange(customPeriodRange); }; DateRangePickerView.prototype.applyChanges = function() { this.close(); return this.updateDateRange(); }; DateRangePickerView.prototype.cancelChanges = function() { return this.close(); }; DateRangePickerView.prototype.open = function() { return this.opened(true); }; DateRangePickerView.prototype.close = function() { if (!this.standalone()) { return this.opened(false); } }; DateRangePickerView.prototype.toggle = function() { if (this.opened()) { return this.close(); } else { return this.open(); } }; DateRangePickerView.prototype.updatePosition = function() { var parentOffset, parentRightEdge, style; if (this.standalone()) { return; } parentOffset = { top: 0, left: 0 }; parentRightEdge = $(window).width(); if (!this.parentElement.is('body')) { parentOffset = { top: this.parentElement.offset().top - this.parentElement.scrollTop(), left: this.parentElement.offset().left - this.parentElement.scrollLeft() }; parentRightEdge = this.parentElement.get(0).clientWidth + this.parentElement.offset().left; } style = { top: (this.anchorElement.offset().top + this.anchorElement.outerHeight() - parentOffset.top) + 'px', left: 'auto', right: 'auto' }; switch (this.orientation()) { case 'left': if (this.containerElement.offset().left < 0) { style.left = '9px'; } else { style.right = (parentRightEdge - (this.anchorElement.offset().left) - this.anchorElement.outerWidth()) + 'px'; } break; default: if (this.containerElement.offset().left + this.containerElement.outerWidth() > $(window).width()) { style.right = '0'; } else { style.left = (this.anchorElement.offset().left - parentOffset.left) + 'px'; } } return this.style(style); }; DateRangePickerView.prototype.outsideClick = function(event) { var target; target = $(event.target); if (!(event.type === 'focusin' || target.closest(this.anchorElement).length || target.closest(this.containerElement).length || target.closest('.calendar').length)) { return this.close(); } }; return DateRangePickerView; })(); DateRangePickerView.template = '
'; $.extend($.fn.daterangepicker, { ArrayUtils: ArrayUtils, MomentIterator: MomentIterator, MomentUtil: MomentUtil, Period: Period, Config: Config, DateRange: DateRange, AllTimeDateRange: AllTimeDateRange, CustomDateRange: CustomDateRange, DateRangePickerView: DateRangePickerView, CalendarView: CalendarView, CalendarHeaderView: CalendarHeaderView }); }).call(this);